Teen suicide | Teens struggling with the isolation and disruption from COVID-19: Chris Kemp
Going through one's teenage years is stressful to many youngsters and it has become even more so to this age group due to Covid-19, the lockdowns and the disruption to schooling and social activities.
This week is Teen Suicide Prevention Week and it aims to highlight awareness around teen Depression and Suicide Prevention.
According to the World Health Organisation, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in 15 to 19-year-olds.
With the added and in some instances traumatic effects of Covid-19, South African teens are especially at risk as they navigate a new world of online learning or delayed learning, social isolation, loss, grief and trauma, with increased anxiety and depression.
To tell us more we're joined now by Chris Kemp, a psychologist at the South African Depression and Anxiety Group or SADAG.
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